Every year, around 1200 people in NI are diagnosed with bowel cancer, with about 450 people dying from bowel cancer […]

There are around 1500 breast cancers diagnosed every year in NI, and around 300 deaths from breast cancer every year. […]

Around 80 females are diagnosed with cervical cancer in NI every year. About 75% of those diagnosed with cervical cancer […]

Around 1400 people in NI are diagnosed with lung cancer every year, and around 1000 die from lung cancer. the […]

There are over 200 people diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer every year in Northern Ireland and the average age of those […]

Over 1200 males in NI are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year, and around 300 males die from prostate cancer […]

Around 40% of all cancers are preventable. There are many things that can increase the risk of developing cancer that […]

Skin Cancer is THE most common cancer affecting people in NI. Around 4000 people are diagnosed with skin cancer every […]

Around 70 males in NI are diagnosed with testicular cancer every year, with around 1 death every year. The majority […]